Churches and Ministries

The feedback, emails and text messages our Associate Pastors received from our members after taking the course were phenomenal. We were even getting compliments from church members who usually don't say anything! Rev Francis Narterh, Calvary Baptist Church
We continually harvest multiples of what we invested in taking this course. Even our clients are marvelled at the presentation mastery demonstrated by our Team! Andrew Ackah, Chief Executive Officer - Dentsu Aegis
I never thought my executive coaching in public speaking will result in being promoted in ministry. Half way through my Centurion coaching programme, my Pastor explained he has heard a lot about the new level of boldness and confidence with which I address the women's fellowship. A month later, I was asked to head the women's ministry! Now I have to make sure my husband takes the course. Vida Addy - first woman in ministry to complete our Centurion Executive Coaching
The standing ovation accorded the Facilitator at the end of the course is a credible testimonial to his pedigree. Wole Coker, Zonal Director - NTA, Africa's largest TV network
This course equips one with invaluable skills that multiply and enhances one's value Noble Nutifafa, Deputy Director - I.T., The Judicial Service of Ghana

The ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ would have been nearly impossible without public speaking skills. Regardless of the denomination or doctrine, today's church utilizes public speaking skills in every aspect and facet of Christendom. From welcoming parishioners and visitors to the House of God to making weekly announcements and from presenting the Gospel to members of the public (outreach) to preaching from the pulpit, presentation techniques and communication skills are pivotal and priceless.
What we have observed
Quite a number of churches take the need for public speaking training for granted. They believe all they need is the anointing.
The "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" from the congregation are not necessarily proof of comprehension. Some people have been used to giving the aforementioned responses for years and thus, become second nature!
Surveys we have been conducting since 2011 show that less than 2% of church members (across denomination lines) remember what was preached on Sunday at church by the following Tuesday!
Decline in the efficacy of communication and presentation techniques (among other factors) is a leading contributor to the gap between information (received from the pulpit) and implementation (in personal and professional life)
The ability of the Church Announcer, Preacher or Sunday School Teacher to connect with the audience, sustain the engagement and articulate the message (with clarity, charisma and precision) may influence a visitor's choice to visit that church again or possibly continue their search.
In addition to inadequate biblical knowledge and the fear of not having the right answers, a cardinal reason why many Believers are lacking in fulfilling the Great Commission (and sharing their faith) is not knowing what to say or how to start i.e. poor presentation skills.
"God has not given us the spirit of fear" - 2 Tim. 1:7 is one of the most quoted scriptural references among Christians. Sadly, from sharing testimonies at church to going for job interviews, many Believers are constantly struggling with stage-fright!
Members of churches that place priority on the continuous professional training of their staff tend to enjoy better "Service Delivery" than churches that do not.
What we offer
The Royal Centre for Public Speaking has identified the cardinal essence of equipping the Church with public speaking skills. For this reason, under the auspices of the apostolic ministry of Samuel Jonathan (our President & Lead Facilitator), the Royal Centre for Public Speaking is conducting public speaking training for churches and ministries. Furthermore, in addition to developing your church staff and key personnel, our training programme can be used as an Outreach Tool to invite people to your church! Bearing in mind that this is an apostolic mandate and intended to benefit the Body of Christ, the programmes are being offered at a fraction of what public speaking courses typically cost. However, this offer is for a limited time and is firmly on a first come-first served basis!
Types of Training Programmes
a) Speaking Clinic - This 1-day group course introduces participants to the rudiments of public speaking and essentials for effective communication. It is the ideal introductory for church staff, key personnel and leaders. Alternatively, since public speaking is a skill which everyone needs, the Speaking Clinic can be organised as a community outreach programme and invite neighbours to attend.
b) Camp 4:13 is our 3-day Masterclass which offers an in-depth enriching learning experience. Based on the testimony of Acts 4:13, Camp 4:13 allows the participants to gain practical understanding of the art. Presentation Trials, Speech Workouts, Video Tutorials, Group Exercises and extemporaneous delivery by individuals allows for wholesome hands-on learning. The results are transformational!
c) The Centurion is the 1-on-1 coaching programme which is usually recommended for Head Pastors, Leaders and individuals who prefer the privacy and convenience of one-to-one coaching.
The training programmes are conducted in-house i.e. at your church and the dates and times can be worked out to suit your church's calendar. However, as mentioned earlier, this is a limited time offer and churches/ministries shall be selected on a first come-first served basis.
The next step
If your church or ministry will like to benefit from any of the aforementioned programmes, promptly send an email indicating your interest and provide the following information:
Name of the church or ministry and the Head/Senior Pastor (or equivalent)
Specific name of the programme you are interested in
Number of participants/attendees
City/Town your church is located i.e. where the training will take place
Anticipated date(s) for the programme
Names and contact details of two (2) individuals we can follow-up with
All inquiries shall be treated and handled with utmost confidentiality.